Illustration of physical effects from repetitive spine decompression

Decompress the intervertebral disc to reduce chronic lower back pain.

Researchers call it “proof.” They require statistically significant data indicating true reduction of chronic lower back pain.  How can a gliding platform achieve such successful outcomes? Read about our clinical trial to see our results. There is a small space in between each vertebra called the intervertebral foramen. This is where the nerve root branches off the spinal cord. When the spinal disc becomes structurally weak, this increases  direct pressure against the nerve root. Our platform is designed to  “lift and separate” the spine in order to create more of a “GAP.” This is how we achieve pain relief. This is how we make your spine stronger. When the spine is slowly decompressed, this gradually and slowly creates a vacuum effect, pulling disc material away from the nerve root..

Gentle spine decompression applied gradually over time

"Over the course of nearly 40 years doing spine rehab, I developed a method that applies gradual, careful, methodical decompression of the spine. MVAST therapy actively applies comfortable traction force along multiple angles, resulting in reduced disc bulge and related pain.  A comfortable stretching force is directed and focused at the lowest section of the lumbar spine, as indicated by your specific condition.

The human spine thrives with repetitive decompression forces applied along multiple angles using elastic resistance material. This is the safest, fastest, most long-lasting way to achieve relief from chronic pain caused by spine compression and related muscle distortions.”

~Dr. Matthew Brown

Utility Patent Holder: Multi-Vector Active Spine Traction

Considering Non-surgical Spine Decompression?

You want the Most Effective, Most Comfortable, and Safest. How can we make such claims? Consider the following attributes of our platform and method

  1. Grip Localization using our proprietary lumbar belt

  2. Friction Multiplier using our proprietary lumbosacral pad insert: Systems that only wrap around the hips and pelvis are applying stretching force primarily at the hips and pelvis. Our pad insert is designed to fit in between the lumbar vertebrae like the grip of a gear. This allows us to localize the force right where you need it.

  1. Grip

collage of images of Non-Surgical Active Spine Decompression Machine

It’s hard to live a long, pain-free life if the nerve root is squeezed. Decompress your spine!

SoloTrac is a simple innovative tool - a patented platform that helps comfortably localize spine decompression, right where you need it. No matter what technique is used, this will enhance your results.
— Dr. Matthew Brown, D.C.
image of an xray of a spine after using the solotrac

X-ray, MRI, CT scan Assessment

collage images of how to use the SoloTrac patented platform
image of a doctor examining someones spine

Case History, Spine Examination, and Case Management


Chronic Spine Pain Improves Faster When Varying Angles of Traction are applied Gently, repetitively, and methodically

Dr. Brown collaborates and offers consultation for doctors on difficult cases. Spine clinicians appreciate the therapeutic benefits of spine decompression.


SoloTrac is the tool.

mVAST is the method.

Multi-Vector Active Spine Traction Clinical Trial Showed Statistically Significant Reduction in Lower Back Pain in 60 volunteers. When combined with chiropractic care, the results are even better.

Applying the right kind of exercise, combined with a moderate opposing force produces localized separation of the lumbar vertebrae. People enjoy a gratifying stretch, concentrated in the lumbar spine. Varying poses can produce a wide variety of angular tension.. SoloTrac is a simple tool that achieves better and faster outcomes. All spine related techniques and therapeutic exercises are more effective when used in combination with mVAST protocols.

Spine trauma and the aging process can lead to functional and structural problems referred to as patho-neuro-biomechanical lesions

SoloTrac is a gliding platform that “grips” the lumbar region and produces decompression force along multiple vectors. Elastic resistance material allows cushioned tension and a gratifying user encounter. It’s a simple, but effective force multiplier. Activation of spine fluid hydraulics, reduction of disc displacement, and tissue adhesions, improves function. This improves lumbar-pelvis balance and reduces muscle spasm. Golgi tendon organ reflex and user apprehension is calmed.

This animation is a general illustration of what happens when a special lumbar belt grips the lumbar region and leg press exertion pushes away. This applies gradual tension to the elastic band anchored to the foot of the table. Varying positions deliver multiple vectors of opposing force traction to the spine. This increases the likelihood of releasing pain-source lesions located in the intervertebral disc, ligament capsules, muscle fascia, nerve tissue, or desiccated endplates.


Starting Position Knees Bent

image of starting position knees bent on the solotrac
First Identify the task at hand, then discover what kind of tool best solves the problem. The relevance of the tool becomes apparent.” (First Principles Design)
— Elon Musk

Leg Press Activates Decompression

image of the leg press activating decompression

First Principle: All Traction and Decompression Creates an Opposing Force