Attributes Compared to Passive Motorized Decompression

A resilient spine responds better with elastic tension applied along multiple vectors.. Expensive decompression systems only apply a single non-elastic vector of force during each encounter, thus minimizing the number of embedded pain-source fibers released per encounter.

A Simple Tool to Deliver a Wide Spectrum of Elastic Traction

Compared to Popular Forms of Passive Traction

mVAST is "active" and therefore billable as 97110 and reimbursed by insurance at a higher rate, compared to “passive” traction procedure codes, typically not paid by insurance. Your investment is paid back after only a few weeks of office visits (assuming $35 per encounter, at 40 office visits per week)

Apprehension vs relaxed: The user is relaxed and comfortable as therapeutic tension is self-applied. Therefore, much of the costly high tech design required in motorized systems is not necessary

Complexity compared to motorized decompression systems. SoloTrac is a simple, intuitive, and practical tool that helps you achieve better and faster results with less complexity

Cost Compared to Motorized Systems

Syrf is a simple gliding platform, not requiring a computer or motor, and therefore 90% less expensive compared to well-known decompression systems, ranging from $12,000 to $40,000

You talked. We Listened.

We have surveyed a wide variety of clinicians who specialize in non-surgical management of chronic lower back pain.

Achieving better outcomes means you become the preferred specialist in your town. This gives you a substantial advantage in a competitive spine care marketplace

Needs to achieve faster results Needs to have concise set of easy-to-follow procedures Needs to be profitable (insurance billable as 97110)Needs to be portable and easily store away to save space

Needs to be affordable

Needs to compliment all other forms of treatment

Must be science & evidence based (clinical trial completed)


What problems does it solve?”

  • Faster results for difficult cases. Applies multiple angles in a single encounter increasing the likelihood of neutralizing pain-source lesions

  • User friendly and intuitive

  • Billable as an active therapy 97110

  • Portable and storable (small footprint)

  • Patients love it - no more apprehension or anxiety as with motorized systems

  • Load force is easily measured for safety and documentation

  • 90% Less Expensive compared to high tech motorized spine decompression systems

Designed for Clinicians Specializing in Spine Care and Pain Management

mVAST protocols will compliment all other forms of therapy and improve your outcomes, no matter what you do.

Attributes Compared to Flexion Distraction Therapy

Just as flexion distraction began in 1973 as a simple table that bends up and down, our mVAST platform is also starting as a basic platform but glides along a track, and with more emphasis of traction force along the X axis. Just as advanced flexion distraction tables utilize force plates and sensors to measure force, our device utilizes a load cell to measure force. We test each patient for tolerance at the most gentle intensity before increasing force incrementally over time.